When it comes to enhancing the home, few plants are as versatile as the Manjula Pothos plant (scientific name: Epipremnum aureum Manjula )
Whether you’re looking to add a pop of color or simply want to create more of an indoor jungle, this trailing plant is perfect for any living space. While this houseplant is ideal for beginners, the Pothos Manjula requires basic plant care to thrive.
So, if you’re considering adding this plant to your home, here’s everything you need to know.
What is a Manjula Pothos Plant?
The Manjula Pothos, also dubbed the “Happy Leaf Pothos” or “The Devil’s Ivy,” is a beautiful trailing plant perfect for decorating your home. It is a patented variety of pothos cultivars developed at the University of Florida. The plant features heart-shaped leaves variegated with shades of green, yellow, and white. It is also similar to the Pearls and Jade pothos plant, but it has slightly wavy leaf edges.
Manjula pothos plants are not easy to acquire since they are rare and unavailable in big box stores. The best place to buy one is through collectors or rare plant shops.
This is one of the pothos types that are very forgiving to new plant owners or people without green thumbs. However, even though these plants require minimal maintenance, you still have to take care of them to ensure their longevity.
How to Care for Manjula Pothos Plants?
Manjula Pothos plants thrive in stable growing environments. They are adaptable and resilient. However, their intense level of variegated leaves requires more light than other pothos varieties.
Here are some of the things you need to consider to properly care for your Manjula Pothos plant.
The Manjula pothos will survive if you forget to water it for a bit since it is a resilient plant. However, it is crucial to water the plant regularly, especially during the growing season.
Allow the top two to three inches of soil to dry out before watering the plant.
Keep the soil moist since the plant thrives in this environment better than in wet or soggy soil. Also, avoid letting the plant stand in water. During the fall and winter, reduce watering.
The Manjula Pothos does best in a light, airy, loamy, well-draining potting mix with a neutral pH level. You can also make a homemade potting soil mix by combining one part perlite with two parts peat moss.
A substrate with suitable drainage and excellent water retention is also good for the Manjula pothos plant. It ensures access to moisture without being oversaturated.
When making a terrarium, use a high-quality mix that includes coco coir, orchid bark, and perlite or vermiculite. The high-quality soil mix will also facilitate root aeration for the plant. Just make sure to have a proper soil level to facilitate this.
Manjula Pothos plants can survive in many conditions. But the best place for it would be in bright, indirect sunlight.
Avoid exposing the plant to direct sunlight. Even though the plant can take the heat, direct light can scorch its leaves. Excessive sunlight can also result in all the leaves of the Manjula turning green instead of having variegated leaves.
The plant will do well under low light conditions. However, the white variegation in the leaves will be reduced.
Temperature and Humidity
Under the USDA hardiness zone, the plant is classified as winter hardy in 10 to 12 zones.
The standard temperature in a regular household is suitable for Manjula Pothos. However, they tend to grow more quickly in humid environments. If you want to encourage faster growth, place your plant in a bathroom, laundry room, or kitchen. Don’t forget to put a humidifier close to the plant.
These plants can withstand low temperatures down to 43 degrees Fahrenheit without damage, but they won’t thrive in these conditions. If the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, the plant’s growth might slow down.
While these plants can tolerate high temperatures up to 104 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s best to avoid putting them in direct sunlight. If the temperature gets too high, the leaves may start to brown and curl.
How to Propagate Manjula Pothos?

Pothos propagation is super easy and can be done in water or soil. If you tear off one of the stems, you can place it in a jar of water or moistened soil. In many instances, the stem will quickly grow roots, and you’ll have a new plant.
Taking pothos cuttings can also help the plant branch out. The cuttings also promote healthy growth for the plant. Here are the steps to propagate your Manjula pothos in water:
- Make sure the stem cuttings are cut directly under the leaf nodes. Remove the leaves from the bottom half of each stem cutting.
- Place the stem cuttings in a jar or other container of water. Put the container in a location that ensures the plants receive bright, indirect light.
- Change out the water every week to ensure it stays fresh. After a couple of weeks, you should notice roots beginning to grow.
- After the roots reach one inch, replant the cuttings. Ensure the cuttings remain evenly moist for the first two weeks you plant the roots. You can resume regular watering after the first few weeks.
Common Issues with Manjula pothos
Even though the Manjula requires little maintenance, it still has to deal with some issues. Here are the common issues that Manjula Pothos has to deal with:
- Drooping leaves. When the leaves start to droop, it means it needs water. So, you need to water it thoroughly. After it receives sufficient water, the plant will recover within a few hours.
- Yellow leaves. When you notice the leaves turning yellow, your Pothos might be dealing with fungal diseases. In this situation, check the condition and deal with it. Yellowish leaves can also mean that the plant is not receiving enough natural light. So, place it in an area where it can receive more light.
- Brown leaves. If the leaves start to turn brown, the plant is not getting enough water. When the conditions are overly dry, brown leaf tips begin to emerge. In this case, you need to increase the frequency of watering.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some frequently asked questions about caring for your Manjula Pothos:
Does Pothos Grow Fast?
The Manjula pothos grows at a moderate growth rate compared to other plants. It can grow faster than a marble queen pothos. But its growth is slower than a common golden pothos.
What is the difference between the Manjula Pothos and the Marble Queen pothos?
These two members of the pothos family look similar, but there are several key differences. The Manjula pothos has bigger leaves with a more distinct marbling pattern. It also grows slightly faster than the Marble Queen pothos. The latter also has streaky variegation and only has two colors.
Is the Manjula Pothos toxic?
These plants are aroids, which makes them toxic when consumed. So, it’s a good idea to set up a terrarium or keep them out of reach if you have small children or pets.
Can a Manjula pothos recover from root rot?
If you notice the leaves of the Manjula turning yellow, it’s a sign of root rot. Dealing with this fungal disease requires taking out the plant and removing the affected roots. Also, treat the healthy roots with hydrogen peroxide before you replant them.
The Manjula pothos is a popular houseplant that is easy to care for. It’s a lovely addition to any home, including yours!