woman with healthy skin

Personal Care: An Essential for Wellness

Even if most people stay home during the pandemic, virtual meetings for work and video chats with family and friends have increased the frequency of people seeing their own faces onscreen. This has led to a greater awareness of what they want to improve on. When the vaccines were rolled out, and fully vaccinated people could move around, they made appointments for the treatments they wanted.

Dental Treatments

A person’s smile is greatly affected by the condition of their teeth. Frontal teeth problems are the most apparent. If there are gaps between the teeth, or if some of the teeth are chipped, have jagged edges, or have irregular forms, dental porcelain veneers can fix these. The best dental services can now use technology to show a simulation of the finished look for the patient to approve. The treatment is non-invasive. If the problem is merely staining, a dentist can do teeth whitening that does not result in teeth sensitivity.

Getting Rid of Pandemic Hair

When hair salons were closed during the pandemic, many people just let their hair grow. Men who never had long hair before were able to have a ponytail or a man bun. Beards were also allowed to grow in. Some men, however, went the other way and just bought an electric shaver to shave their heads. Some left their facial hair on for contrast.

Among women, many also either allowed their hair to grow or cut it themselves. This did not always result in looks they liked. Some experimented with coloring their own hair. Some just let their natural hair color grow out.

For both men and women, many have been waiting for hair salons and barbershops to reopen so that they could finally get a professional cut. Some stylists say that people will want to experiment with drastic haircuts to get out of a rut. Other stylists predict that people will want more natural-looking cuts that are easy to maintain and will look good while growing out.

Hair care does not just mean haircuts, though. People have also been taking care of their hair texture and scalp condition by choosing the right shampoo and conditioner. Likewise, hair masks have also grown in popularity.

Treatments in Salons and Skin Clinics


There has been a significant increase in the number of people booking visits to multi-service beauty salons and skin clinics. GlossGenius, a booking and payment platform for the beauty industry, reported that people booked professionals for house calls even in the early months of the pandemic. From January to April 2021, in-salon bookings increased nationwide by over 20 percent.

A company with several salons in Manhattan doing hair removal, eyebrow maintenance, and nails stated that clients are coming back and are getting all the services they offer. There are also many bookings in advance. Because of this, the company is planning to reopen all its salons, moving some into bigger spaces, and opening new ones.

Lines between the eyebrows, on the forehead, and from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth give a haggard look. These can be addressed by minimally invasive Botox injections, fillers, and skin laser treatments. A company offering these services in Miami and New York stated in April this year that they were fully booked, were hiring more staff, and were planning to expand to more locations.

Beauty Across Genders and Skin Tones

The range of skin care and hair care products is now more inclusive. They are not only for women. More and more, men are embracing these routines. Many gender-neutral products are now being launched. It is a nod to the new generations who see gender not as merely binary but as a broad spectrum.

Because in-store retailers have traditionally presented skin care and beauty products in displays designed for women customers, most men have been reluctant to buy them. During the pandemic, with the rise of e-commerce, more men had the opportunity to try these products.

More skin care, hair care, and beauty products are also being launched now for people of color. They not only need more choices in makeup shades, but they also have specific needs in hair care and skin with more melanin reacts differently to products.

Final Thoughts

While it may seem trivial to some, taking care of your hair, teeth, skin, and overall looks are all part of self-care. These create a feeling of confidence and well-being that improves mood and is beneficial to mental health. Giving time and space for nurturing yourself is essential in times of crisis. This is not being selfish because it helps you regain your equilibrium. You become more assertive and a more stable part of society.

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